The tongue of the snake is also called two
As is typical of imams intent on inciting their flocks, they lie to foment hatred and speak in two tongues to deceive:
Now that IS offensive. To combat this swinish behavior, speak against their efforts to batter free speech into dhimmi submission. And don't forget to ...

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5) The tongue of the snake is also called two
4) Bordering on the sacrilegious
3) Let them eat butter cookies
2) Preach the word ....
1) Buy Danish!
"PM Anders Fogh Rasmussen lashed out at extremist Muslim leaders in Denmark on Thursday for speaking with two tongues in the on-going row between the country and the Muslim world.
Rasmussen said imams' positive comments in Danish about the recent days' thaw in the dispute over newspaper Jyllands-Posten's publication of 12 caricatures of the prophet Mohammed had been undermined by statements made in Arabic to the media from Muslim countries.
'We have clearly noted that in certain situations, some people are speaking with two tongues,' Rasmussen said after meeting the parliament's foreign policy committee. 'The government watches what news and information is circulated in Arabic countries very closely so we can catch false stories and correct them immediately.'
Rasmussen was referring specifically to an incident in which controversial imam Abu Laban said to television station al-Jazeera that he was happy about the Muslim boycott. Later in the day, Laban said to Danish television station TV2 that he would urge Muslims to stop the boycott immediately.
'If Muslim countries decide to boycott, and if Muslims feel that it is their obligation to defend the prophet, then that is something we can be happy about,' Laban said to al-Jazeera.
Other leading imams have also been accused of misleading Muslims outside of Denmark about the situation.
Earlier this week, imam Abu Bashir appeared on BBC World showing a caricature of Mohammed with a pig's snout and ears to representatives of the Arabic League. Bashir falsely claimed that the caricature was one of the 12 Jyllands-Posten drawings.
Neither Laban nor Bashir were available for comment."
Now that IS offensive. To combat this swinish behavior, speak against their efforts to batter free speech into dhimmi submission. And don't forget to ...
Posts in this meme:
5) The tongue of the snake is also called two
4) Bordering on the sacrilegious
3) Let them eat butter cookies
2) Preach the word ....
1) Buy Danish!
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